An updated version of this card that doesn't use bone mod and features different clothing can be found here:

An elf somewhat reminiscent of Warcraft's blood elves (glowing eyes, giant eyebrows and ears) and Warhammer's elves or eldar (tall and lanky, weird face tatoos).

Feel free to use the bone mod settings if you want those giant elf ears and eyebrows on another character. Just know that I also used bone mod to alter the eye, nose, and jaw shape.

The eyebrows on this character were also modified in the material editor, changing the shader to the one used by regular hair. The reason for this is that the default shader the game uses for eyebrows only draws them from one side, meaning they are invisible if viewed from behind. This normally isn't an issue because the character's face is usually in the way, but not when the eyebrows protrude a foot or so to either side of the head.

Actually one of the first cards I made, continually updated and modified.

Uses mods in the RX6 repack.
994 görüntülemeler

(OC) Legally Distinct Fantasy or Space Elf (Obsolete)

Original Characters ya eklendi ve olarak kategorize edildi — 3 yıl önce

An updated version of this card that doesn't use bone mod and features different clothing can be found here:

An elf somewhat reminiscent of Warcraft's blood elves (glowing eyes, giant eyebrows and ears) and Warhammer's elves or eldar (tall and lanky, weird face tatoos).

Feel free to use the bone mod settings if you want those giant elf ears and eyebrows on another character. Just know that I also used bone mod to alter the eye, nose, and jaw shape.

The eyebrows on this character were also modified in the material editor, changing the shader to the one used by regular hair. The reason for this is that the default shader the game uses for eyebrows only draws them from one side, meaning they are invisible if viewed from behind. This normally isn't an issue because the character's face is usually in the way, but not when the eyebrows protrude a foot or so to either side of the head.

Actually one of the first cards I made, continually updated and modified.

Uses mods in the RX6 repack.